Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year - 2011 style

I don't know about you, but I'm thinking 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm not usually one to make resolutions and this year I don't want to break the trend. But I have pseudo-resolved to do more blogging, more reading and maybe even a little more exercise.

I've set a goal of climbing Table Rock (a nearby mountain) by my birthday in mid-April. I'm planning to do the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance thing again this year (it will be my third year) and I'm hoping to certify at a higher level. I've done a little financial coaching one-on-one (or rather two-on-one and one-on-two) and want to continue with that as well.

From a job standpoint, I'm hoping this year will be better than last. In 2010, I started with a lot of questions and went through 6 months with no direction. To have ended the year as well as I did seems to indicate that 2011 will be even better.

How about you? Any resolutions, goals or predictions?


Anonymous said...

Happy new year, Randy! Nice list. I'm sure the people you help with their taxes deeply appreciate it. My resolution is more focus and more of the same -- living in light of eternity and doing what I can to advance the kingdom whether I get 50 more minutes or 50 more years in this life.

Ashley Beth said...

Sounds like a good list to me. I think it's great you want to climb Table Rock by your Bday. I don't think I will be in good shape to do that with you by then. I'll be almost 8 months along. But Adam and Caroline would LOVE to go with you. We bought a second hand child hiking carrier a couple of months ago and we've been dying to use it. We almost went hiking on Table Rock over Christmas break but I was just to sick to commit to a 4+ hour hike. So don't forget to invite them along!

Randy said...

Thanks Neil. Expect a few posts about the taxes and as soon as I can figure out what I can say about the one-on-one coaching without divulging private information, I'll post on that.

Your comment reminded me of the song "My next 50 years". Hopefully, you were singing that as you posted. I know your focus on Eternity and respect your views immensely. Anyone reading these comments would do well to follow Neil's blog.

Ashley, if Adam carries Caroline, I might be able to keep up with him. I'm actually hoping big brother Don will go with me. Maybe Adam and Caroline can carry us both.

Ashley Beth said...

Isn't the song "My next 30 years"?, but maybe you modify it when you get old.

Sounds like a good plan to bring Uncle Don. He's always been a good hiking buddy. I'll tell Caroline to start working out =)

Randy said...

Ashley, for you it may be next 30 years, but since I'm already >2/3 the way through my second 30, I'm looking forward to me next 50 years...