Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Censorship has such negative connotations. However, I practice it regularly. I choose what TV I allow in my house. Certain channels are blocked, because I don't want them shown. I choose which magazines are allowed. If a magazine shows up in my mail box that I think doesn't belong in my house (yes it has happened), it goes straight to the trash.

I choose when and how my teenage son can access the web. I am hoping that he will learn to censor for himself.

So what if someone censors me? What if I choose to post something that someone finds offensive? Well, first, they have the right to censor me. Maybe they don't like my blogs, or my posts onto their blogs. They don't have to read my blog, and they can delete my comments from their blog. And I have the right to stop reading their blog.

However, we both lose.


David said...

I didn't delete the comment after all, it must have never gone through. I just posted a test comment and then deleted it and I had to go through a confirmation screen so it couldn't have been deleted by accident. I also went back through all my new comment notification emails (something I didn't think of until right after I emailed you) and didn't find any discrepancies. The last comment you posted was about the Bobby Schindler endorsement.

Randy said...

Thanks for the comments.

My entry stands for you and for all others. "Censorship" is bad word in so many peoples minds, but in reality, it's a good thing. TV can be censored just by changing the channel. The internet can be censored just by looking the other way.

I realize that my comments should probably NOT have been as directed and that not everyone is censoring. But just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me. :)